Two-table joins. Check the "Joining verbs" vignette for more information.

# S3 method for ExprBuilder
anti_join(x, y, ...)

# S3 method for data.table
anti_join(x, ..., .expr = FALSE)

# S3 method for ExprBuilder
full_join(x, y, ..., sort = TRUE, allow = TRUE, .parent_env)

# S3 method for data.table
full_join(x, ...)

# S3 method for ExprBuilder
inner_join(x, y, ...)

# S3 method for data.table
inner_join(x, ..., .expr = FALSE)

# S3 method for ExprBuilder
  .to_eager = FALSE

# S3 method for data.table
left_join(x, y, ..., allow = FALSE, .expr = FALSE)

mutate_join(x, y, ...)

# S3 method for ExprBuilder
  allow = FALSE,
  .by_each = NULL,

# S3 method for EagerExprBuilder
mutate_join(x, ..., .parent_env = rlang::caller_env())

# S3 method for data.table
mutate_join(x, y, ...)

# S3 method for ExprBuilder
  allow = FALSE,

# S3 method for data.table
right_join(x, y, ..., allow = FALSE, .expr = FALSE, .selecting, .framing)

# S3 method for ExprBuilder
semi_join(x, y, ..., allow = FALSE, .eager = FALSE)

# S3 method for data.table
semi_join(x, y, ..., allow = FALSE, .eager = FALSE)



An ExprBuilder instance.


A data.table::data.table or, for some verbs (see details), a call to nest_expr().


Expressions for the on part of the join.


If the input is a data.table and .expr is TRUE, an instance of EagerExprBuilder will be returned. Useful if you want to add clauses to j, e.g. with


Passed to data.table::merge.


Passed as data.table's allow.cartesian.


See end_expr().

nomatch, mult, roll, rollends

See data.table::data.table.


Internal, should be left as FALSE in all external calls.


For mutate_join. See the details below.


For mutate_join. See the details below.


If TRUE, return the row numbers that matched in x instead of the result of the join.


One or more expressions, possibly contained in a call to list or ., that will be added to j in the same frame as the join.


Similar to .selecting, but added to the frame with frame_append().


For semi_join. If TRUE, it uses nest_expr() to build an expression like this instead of the default one. This uses the captured data.table eagerly, so use chain() when needed. The default is lazy.


The following joins support nest_expr() in y:

  • anti_join

  • inner_join

  • right_join

The full_join method is really a wrapper for data.table::merge that specifies all = TRUE. The expression in x gets evaluated, merged with y, and the result is captured in a new ExprBuilder. Useful in case you want to keep building expressions after the merge.

Mutating join

The ExprBuilder method for mutate_join implements the idiom described in this link. The columns specified in .SDcols are those that will be added to x from y. The specification can be done by:

  • Using tidyselect::select_helpers.

  • Passing a character vector. If the character is named, the names are taken as the new column names for the values added to x.

  • A list, using base::list() or .(), containing:

    • Column names, either as characters or symbols.

    • Named calls expressing how the column should be summarized/modified before adding it to x.

The last case mentioned above is useful when the join returns many rows from y for each row in x, so they can be summarized while joining. The value of by in the join depends on what is passed to .by_each:

  • If NULL (the default), by is set to .EACHI if a call is detected in any of the expressions from the list in .SDcols

  • If TRUE, by is always set to .EACHI

  • If FALSE, by is never set to .EACHI


lhs <- data.table::data.table(x = rep(c("b", "a", "c"), each = 3),
                              y = c(1, 3, 6),
                              v = 1:9)

rhs <- data.table::data.table(x = c("c", "b"),
                              v = 8:7,
                              foo = c(4, 2))

rhs %>%
    anti_join(lhs, x, v)
#>    x v foo
#> 1: b 7   2

lhs %>%
    inner_join(rhs, x)
#>    x y v i.v foo
#> 1: c 1 7   8   4
#> 2: c 3 8   8   4
#> 3: c 6 9   8   4
#> 4: b 1 1   7   2
#> 5: b 3 2   7   2
#> 6: b 6 3   7   2

# creates new data.table
lhs %>%
    left_join(rhs, x)
#>    x  v foo y i.v
#> 1: b  7   2 1   1
#> 2: b  7   2 3   2
#> 3: b  7   2 6   3
#> 4: a NA  NA 1   4
#> 5: a NA  NA 3   5
#> 6: a NA  NA 6   6
#> 7: c  8   4 1   7
#> 8: c  8   4 3   8
#> 9: c  8   4 6   9

# would modify lhs by reference
lhs %>%
    start_expr %>%
    mutate_join(rhs, x, .SDcols = c("foo", rhs.v = "v"))
#> .DT_[, `:=`(c("foo", "rhs.v"), rhs[.SD, list(foo =, rhs.v = x.v), 
#>     on = list(x)])]

# would modify rhs by reference, summarizing 'y' before adding it.
rhs %>%
    start_expr %>%
    mutate_join(lhs, x, .SDcols = .(y = mean(y)))
#> .DT_[, `:=`("y", lhs[.SD, list(y = mean(y)), by = .EACHI, on = list(x)][, 
#>     list(y)])]

# creates new data.table
lhs %>%
    right_join(rhs, x)
#>    x y v i.v foo
#> 1: c 1 7   8   4
#> 2: c 3 8   8   4
#> 3: c 6 9   8   4
#> 4: b 1 1   7   2
#> 5: b 3 2   7   2
#> 6: b 6 3   7   2

# keep only columns from lhs
lhs %>%
    semi_join(rhs, x)
#>    x y v
#> 1: c 1 7
#> 2: c 3 8
#> 3: c 6 9
#> 4: b 1 1
#> 5: b 3 2
#> 6: b 6 3